Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Cricketosity and filmishness

What's new pussycat? Laaa la la la laaaa la....

Well, I've been watching cricket til silly o'clock in the morning on the internet while the test has been on, except for this morning, when I couldn't bear to listen to the biased Australian commentators gleefully counting down the runs needed for 2-0 up in the series. Of course, the fact that I'd sacrificed a lot of sleep watching the damn thing made me more more annoyed than usual that we lost. Although I'd better not get started or this will turn into a rant that not many of those reading this will be able to empathise with/give a damn about...

Been to see a fair few films recently - the new James Bond, Little Miss Sunshine for the third time and The Prestige. All are recommended, especially LMS which is absolutely 100% my film of the year (Greg Kinnear, Toni Collette, Steve Carrell - need I say more?). Daniel Craig is too muscly in a bursting-out-of-his-shirt way for my liking but the poker game in Casino Royale is brilliant, and the baddie is a mean nasty man indeed. And The Prestige is just your average twisty-turny-keep-you-guessing Christopher Nolan movie. With David Bowie. And Gollum. And a veeeeeeeeery fine Christian Bale. Here he is...mmm...

Just reflecting whether any girls actually read this blog to appreciate that last comment (and this picture)

For those of you after a more detailed and wholesome film review, try this
crazy Christian fundamentalist site... It even provides handy links to the appropriate Bible reference for you!