Monday, June 19, 2006

Llama llama farmer llama llama llama duck

Here are some pictures of my nearest and dearest. I'm getting excited about going home next week and seeing everybody and I felt like putting these up...

My little sis Holly. Adorable...

Nightmare fountain-coming-out-of-head situation more or less averted by my dad

One cool chick leaning on one cool dude leaning on one cool hedge

This is the country of cheese indeed

No-one beats Jonesy in a pouting contest

How on earth did they do that??!! Hilarity at Notre Dame

I'll give you one guess who the best kisser is...

Can't beat a bit of jazz hands on a Monday morning


Anonymous said...

This isn't really to do with your latest post, but I DEMAND that you take me to the wondrous Cok Ming when I next come to gay Paris xx

Anonymous said...

Oh god, I'd jsut managed to get that bloody llama song out of my head nad now you've started it again.

Your piccies have made me want to visit. I'm going to look at flights now.

Alos, why has your dad lost his arm? *grin*

*big hug8 Adrian is being a shit, will call over the weekend, maybe.

Anonymous said...

Merci d'avoir un blog interessant