Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Langoustines linguistiques

This is a by-no-means-exhaustive list of the most silly French words I've learnt so far:

Diaporama = slideshow
Strapontin = fold-down seat (I know I've told you this one before but I just think it's fab)
Pif = nose
Avocat = either avocado (logical) or solicitor (less logical)
Manchot = either penguin or one-armed (as in "un manchot manchot", obviously. Have needed this one on an almost daily basis)

And here are some of my favourite slang phrases:

C'est terrible = it's fantastic
C'est enorme = it's hilarious
Grave! = I jolly well agree
Mince = Damnit
La vache! = Bloody hell!

Just plain vulgar
Tu me fais chier = you're pissing me off (literally "you make me shit". Nice)
J'ai rien a foutre = I've got nothing to do (translates literally as "I've got nothing to f***")
Tu te fous de ma geule? = Are you making fun of me? ("Are you f***ing me in the mouth"?!)

A little extreme under the circumstances those last three I'm sure you'll agree...

I was also filling in a programming spreadsheet thingy at work today and it asked me for the length and position of the tampon. And I thought French was the language of romance...

And so, Mesdames, Messieurs, here ends my unexpectedly crude (but very colourful) post...


Owen said...

Too colourful for someone like me...a colourblind.

That luminous green line almost made me pass out.

Hotstuff said...

The title of your blog is in the same shade of green you clot. It's not the colour of yours that makes me pass out though, it's the content....zzzzzzzzz.

Just noticed that the colours Ms E has used are in the order of the rainbow (recalled using the trusted ROYGBIV mnemonic). How pretty and girly. I think we should wave the flag for the hairier gender* by posting in a series of macho colours.

* in most cases....

Owen said...

I must have meant the yellow line then. I can't flaming tell.

Mark Millward said...

banter (click me!)

Soz, couldn't resist it.

Hotstuff said...

That's ace.

PT said...

10 weeks since the last post? I'd've thought (given your chargeable ratio of about 1/4 of a working week) that you'd have time to update this at least three times a day?!

Or is that just Gartside...

Owen said...

PT I'm hurt, I really am.

I'm as committed to excellence in the workplace as the next guy. If the next guy happens to be listening to Charlatans on media player whilst reading blogs and sending personal emails.

It is Friday though...

Mark Millward said...

"Tuesday July 18th"

Tsk tsk, you are like the stone roses of blogging.